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Coaches Corner

How do I submit for a FDLE Level 2 Background Check?

To begin the process, anyone who meets the definition of an "Athletic coach" as defined below would need to sign a Background Waiver which will allow Florida Elite to receive your background check from FDLE.


(a) “Athletic coach” means a person who:


1. Is authorized by an independent sanctioning authority to work as a coach, assistant coach, manager, or referee, whether for compensation or as a volunteer, for a youth athletic team based in this state; and


2. Has direct contact with one or more minors on the youth athletic team.


The definition is broad and note there is no longer a minimum number of hours spent with athletes that requires the submission of the FDLE Level 2 Background Check. All who fit the below definition need to submit.


Once the waiver is signed, we will send you an email detailing the next steps and our Originating Agency Identifier Number (ORI) to have the background completed. 

Florida Statue 943.0438

** Florida Statue 943.0438 contains the below sections regarding the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). On January 1, 2026 (or a later date), the process will change. AHCA will open their clearinghouse to athletic coaches. Unfortunately, this means fingerprints will need to be recaptured as they will be submitted to a different database. Until then, fingerprints will only need to be captured once. FYSA will continue to stay on top this matter and communicate to membership when new information is made available.


(b) 1. Before January 1, 2026, or a later date as determined by the Agency for Health Care Administration for the participation of qualified entities in the Care Provider Background Screening Clearinghouse under s. 435.12, disqualify any person from acting as an athletic coach as provided in s. 435.04. The authority may allow a person disqualified under this subparagraph to act as an athletic coach if it determines that the person meets the requirements for an exemption from disqualification under s. 435.07.


2. On or after January 1, 2026, or a later date as determined by the Agency for Health Care Administration, not allow any person to act as an athletic coach if he or she does not pass the background screening qualifications in s. 435.04. The authority may allow a person disqualified under this subparagraph to act as an athletic coach if the person has successfully completed the exemption from the disqualification process under s. 435.07.

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